Mediation, production, research: cultural agency
Altermediae is a space to gather and share work materials in a common research framework that responds to a basic, philosophical and self-reflexive issue in the context of curatorial practices: “How do we curate?. We broght with us this question when we engage Intermediae. Now, almost eight years later time has made necessary a place in which to dump and to share the research we conducted in the context or in connection with this institutional space.
Altermediae is a blog based on WordPress and a kune plugin that allows us to edit collaboratively and in real time our articles. It contains a repertoire of texts, some of them in progress and some of them already published. These text we consider as tests, experiments, articles (common and proper, made among ourselves and with others) in which we think about curatorial and collaborative research, the situatedness of the commons, the autoethnographic turn, minor curating, jaguar curating, curating & producing, curating as methodology, docracy applied to cultural production, feminist theory of bodies and relationships production, among others.
Altermediae is a mutant and nomadic identity, which only reflects the current time, a gap between our professional practices and our personal research, and functions as the documentation space of a collaborative thesis led by Olga Fernandez Lopez, Dr. at Department of History and Art Theory at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. This collaborative research consists of two investigations: Learning institutions, towards a prototype of an amateur institutionality (Phd. Dissertation of Zoe Lopez Mediero) and Cultural institutions, expanded curatorial models and hybrid governances (Phd Dissertation of Azucena Klett).
The blog is a notebook in which useful sketches and reflections related to the objectives of the ongoing investigation, are collected, ie:
- Making a genealogical approach in which Intermediae relate with others, such as institution building and experiment as a case study of amateur institution / learning institution.
- Re-frame the academic practice in terms of collaborative, free inquiry.