@altermediae is an attempt to describe and recognize, to put into play, the network of bodies, relationships, knowledge and the invisible and intangible infrastructures which give life and sustain the institutions.

+ Info


Zoe Lopez Mediero

Madrid, 1978. He develops his work at the intersection between research, education and creation. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca, he completed his studies at the Berlin-Weissensee School of Art and the Humboldt University in Berlin. He continued his training in the field of public art through a scholarship at the Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin.

DEA in 2002 after completing his doctorate “Communication and Culture, an interdisciplinary approach” in the Department of Sociology and Communication at the University of Salamanca; predoctoral scholarship and research from 2003 to 2007 in the Technological Cultural Center Design from the same university, where the development of his doctoral thesis begins and teaches the subject Audiovisual and cultural identity. Since 2001 participates in research projects in the field of art education: art, technology and cultural education, new resources for the appreciation of contemporary art (2001) or View Contemporary Art (2002) and in the field of psychology Art: Detection of indicators impact on development through content analysis (2003), or proposals for the construction of identities without enemy (2004).

From 2007 to 2011 is part of the Centre for Contemporary Creation Intermediae team in Matadero Madrid, responsible for mediation; from then until now part of the curatorial team that was set up with a specific role in designing strategies lines, content and programming methodologies. Among the highlights projects initiated “A city many worlds” (2015), a program of creation and research that explores the relationship between theory and practice in a context of experimentation and mutual learning, typical of the area of ​​cultural and artistic practices related with social processes. A program from which to investigate forms of action, thought and urban crisis intervention and develop collaborative projects in the city, or to build active communities.

Since 2015 participates in the mediation team of the Laboratory 987, an ongoing program of aid for the production of the arts and contemporary culture, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y Leon.

Klett lily Arroyo